Weather this imagination
Monday, June 12, 2006

Ah the pleasantries of waking to the crack of thunder as it reverberates through your house, window panes vibrating in their frames with water pounding – like a monster trying to get in. Briefly beforehand I had been surreptitiously sneaking into an enclosed military air base where a school friend had been enlisted; within this base he fancied an over the top and epic video-game proportioned playground contest involving a 60ft noose and demolition ball. This atmospheric battle would reside within an historic school set amidst the dark skies and opened heavens (a metaphor for the shit being stirred?); it would most certainly lead to his and our expulsion from the base in legendary fashion. The penetrating thunder and prompt exit was in fact legendary, condemning the contest, air base and entire metaphysical realm to that oblivion of the dream never to be resumed.

This unorthodox 8am wake up call now leaves me sitting amongst clear blue skies and another burning hot sun; the mysterious black smoke of festering fork energy has also disappeared into oblivion. Like a murderer on the run it leaves behind only traces of its presence – puddle prints, soaked barbecues swept up in its wake and the sodden and appalled victims of its wrath. Within this humid air of disbelief I plan to return to the highways of America via Kerouac. As this new metaphysical world prepares to embark on a journey down the varicose veins of a mega-state my corporeal terrain fades once more, leaving barely the remnants of a tanning sun apparent across all roads, routes and highways, night and day.


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