ARTICLE: Glasses Peircing
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Glasses Peircing: Finally, corrective lenses bolted into your face!

"I've only had them for about a week now, but I've been sleeping and showering in them. I hadn't taken them off in four days when one of the brackets cut me while I was asleep; I'd forgotten to sand the edges and they were still razor sharp. They're back on now and seem reliable enough to take on a two week trip over the holidays; I doubt I'll need to take them off during that time. Taking them on and off is a bit of a hassle, as it involves taking a tiny screwdriver and unscrewing them while they're on my face — about a 5 to 10 minute process — which I suppose is about what you'd spend with contacts." Click the link for the full article.

It's interesting, but as soon as he knocks those glasses, that's gonna be painful.
"I'm torn between that being cool and that being utterly stupid."


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