Hi, I was just going through your old entires and I found this entry
"Original Date posted: Fri, 22
August 2003 05:30:09
Post: My computer seems to have picked up an assortment of bugs, each of which being a burden on my loaded back. I would appreciate it if anyone could help me with these errors.
Internet Explorer:
- I seem to be getting a regular bug when saving pictures IE saves them as .bmp bitmap images. This happens a lot and semmingly randomly (not specific to a certain file type), although I suspect a possible link to pages using javascript. But meh, what do I know?"
I have the same problem in my computer. Do you know how to fix it? If so can you please email me at walk_away214@yahoo.com? Thanks
Have you sold your Easy Rider posters? I'm interested in the one with just Peter Fonda on "Chopper".
I'd like to get it for my dad for Christmas. He had the same poster in the 60's.