Pop-up playlist, this appears beneath when thin (as below) and to the side when wide.
A pop-up menu, buttons and control panel
Im sure I will think of some much more advanced uses of this integration in the near future. But for now I think this is exciting enough. For those interested, to get going, the code for tabbed panels in PanelsUI is:
$panel(Option1,Track Display,0,20,%_width%,140,)
$panel(Option2,Album list,0,20,%_width%,140,)
$button2(0,160,0,0,14,14,button text,button text,'PVAR:SET:display.mode:0',)
$button2(14,160,0,0,14,14,button text, button text,'PVAR:SET:display.mode:1',)
$button2(28,160,0,0,14,14, button text,button text ,'PVAR:SET:display.mode:2',)
This simple example (that needs the button text replaced with a $font()text code) is the basis for tabs, clicking the first button shows the track display, the second an album list, third a console.
why don't you give complete codes with images etc... to make something similar to yours and maybe change some things after having the same as yours? i will appreciate and probably many people too. cheers =)
excuse my english i'm french =P
By FofR, at February 15, 2007
I shall be making a release in the near future.
By oneofboth, at February 17, 2007
I think the new panels ui is amazing to see, although I can't figure out how to use it, or it's broken for me. I too would appreciate a full release of the code for this look so I could enjoy it. Thanks!
, at
For all of you cats out there having issues you need to change the config settings before you load the layout. Hit the Edit Layout button when you are at the Panels UI screen and edit at the minimum the following lines:
// **************************************************************************
// **************************************************************************
// Directory that contains the style images
// Text on track display when no song is playing
$setpvar(notrack,Using FofR Config Version 0.3)
// Set your screen resolution
This sets where the images are grabbed from, the default screen when nothings playing, and your default screen resolution.
Thanks so much for the plugin, I have never skinned or configged foobar using ColumnsUI or PanelsUI but I used this and it looks great. Thanks for your work. Cheers, Pete
I like your configs for Foobar2000 very much. Only issue I cannot resolve is how to change the colour of the menu so it shows on the black background. I get the menu items shown briefly if the mouse hovers over but even changing desktop colours seems to have no effect.