Time for a revamp
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
After 18 months or so this place had a solid layer of unpleasant dust covering everything, and not that cool kind of musky dust, the horrible flaky skin stuff. It was about time for a good dust off and rearrangement. Thus I have refined the site and cleaned up many of its buggy aspects including those old ugly looking comments. Simple CSS and HTML tweaks have yielded a few dramatic improvements here and there and for good measure I have introduced a number of new features to my blog. Image and video posts tend to clog up the main opinions blog I have here on the front page so they have been promoted to their own blog categories; [Images] [Video] much like the music section used to be. These will basically be areas for me to post up random images I find, cool videos I have seen and other peculiar tidbits. In addition I have added a desktops page which shows and logs my desktop setups over the years, provided links to my personal "Mega Search" pages that just search a lot of sites at once for my convenience. Links have been updated and now there's a small little search feature should you find yourself lost.

These things always take longer than you expect, now I will go back to reading my book in the sunshine!


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